Saturday, October 28, 2006

Halloween Party

One of The Banker's many charities hosted a Halloween party tonight. As it turns out, they don't make costumes for pregnant ladies. The outfits at the store consisted of naughty nurses, slutty cats, naughty nymphs, and so on. Since I won't be showing my midriff this year, nor will I be tempting trick-or-treaters with a glimpse of my behind, I had to improvise. So this was my costume:

The get-up was a huge success, with many of the 2,200 party goers exclaiming how much they enjoyed it. Complete strangers asked to take my photo, and one drunken co-ed ran up and excitedly rubbed my belly and yelled how cute I was--much to my shock--before racing off.

A drawback? After hours of wearing the green mud mask, my skin has the slightest tinge of green in some areas. Just in time for the little trick-or-treaters!


Kat said...

Yup. It really was an essential prop.

Anonymous said...

That really is scary!

Pensive Girl said...

ha! at least the chips are all-natural :)

Kat said...

Pensive Girl--Nice eyes! You spotted the big flaw in the costume. Whole Foods' version of Cheetos. (Which suck, by the way!)

Anonymous said...

That's a great costume!