Monday, February 25, 2008

Sick, again.

As if this past week hasn't been nasty enough, as if this weekend wasn't hard enough given my grandmother's funeral, I'm now sick with the flu. The kind of flu where you shouldn't get out of bed for three or four days. Unless, of course, you have a child. Then you're forced to be up during the day--and if you're super lucky--from 1:30 a.m. on, too.

1 comment:

Mike Z said...

I am very sorry to read that you are sick. It ought to be impossible for this to happen. There ought (note the moral imperative) to be a cosmic law (like gravity) that makes it impossible for moms to be sick. I hope you are feeling better soon. (Let me guess, Becca has recovered completely and can't understand why you don't want to play!)

I'm sorry, too, for your loss.

There surely is never a good time for these things to happen. And the closer you are, the more it hurts - it's all part of love.

Hang in there. The sickness will pass. I hope your husband is able to lighten the load for you at least a little until you can get some rest.