Thursday, October 01, 2009


Yesterday marked my fourth blogiversary. But I can't even bring myself to read the old entries just yet. Too cringe-worthy, I think. Still I must admit, I've had more success keeping this blog than any diary I've ever started. So that's something. And I'm sincerely hoping that this coming year--my 31st as of the 3rd of October--will hold more than this past year has. Less spinning of the wheels, more forward movement and accomplishment. Here's to hope!


pilgrimchick said...

Wow. Well done! I think it will be four years for me this winter. Amazing "where was I when...?" material in these blogs. Just like with a diary, you only read it when you're ready to. Maybe it's the same with old blog posts.

Ben Avuyah said...

does this work, just checking