Friday, July 07, 2006

My Absence

It's been awhile, I know. I just haven't exactly known how to approach my blog given the latest set of circumstances. My life was turned upside down over the holiday weekend, and I'm spending the better part of my time accepting and trying to nurture this change. I don't yet know if it's permanent. I do know that if it is, it will forever alter my life. So I'm not ready to write about it. It's too new, too uncertain. But I'll be back, I promise. I just need a little bit of time, and if you have them to spare, some happy thoughts and prayers that all goes well.


Pensive Girl said...

i will be praying for you. i wondered where you had gone off to. hang in there.

Magazine Man said...

Oh boy. Hope it turns out to be something slightly scary but ultimately good, like an unexpected pregnancy or something.

That's more glib than I meant it to sound. I just hope you're okay. Let us know. We worry.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'll be praying for you! Hope it all works out!

pilgrimchick said...

I wish you all the best. Change, although cataclysmic at times, or at least seems as much at the time, many times, it can be for the best. I know that during any change process, that isn't the best thing to hear, but gradually, the thought of that grows more and more reassuring.