Sunday, October 22, 2006

Some icky business

When I was in college and working at the local paper, one of the crappy jobs I had was to write obituaries. It was really awful stuff, something that made me feel uncomfortable, sad, and depressed. Even today, I hate reading the obit section and rarely do so. So it was with some trepidation that I logged on to have my own obit written for me. And here's what I got:

'What will your obituary say?' at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Muppets miss me, too!

I also had to write obits as an intern. It was depressing. The only good thing was that people were generally happy their loved one was getting in the paper, so they would talk. I had to edit obits at my first job as copy editor. That was a pain -- making sure all those survivors' names were spelled right.

(Maybe someday I will write a new blog entry. Hee hee.)