Thursday, September 06, 2007

Entirely Too Much Information

Well, it's official. Becca has completely transitioned to the bottle (along with cereal, fruit, and veggies)...and now I'm completely and totally uncomfortable. I guess I didn't understand how dang uncomfortable weaning would be. I mean, it's a don't-breathe-on-me-Oh-my-gosh-I-think-I'm-going-to-keel-over kind of hurt. I told The Banker this is what elephantitis looks like it feels like.

As an avid reader of, I remember Heather B. Armstrong extolling the virtues of cabbage leaves in just this situation. And since exercise bras and rum weren't cutting it, I had The Banker stop by the store and pick up a head of cabbage on his way home.

And I can't believe I'm admitting this, but as I sit and type, IT'S WORKING. I have cabbage leaves in my bra and it's actually helping. I don't have the guts to take them to work with me tomorrow, but let me tell you, I'm putting those suckers on as soon as I get home. And if I'm really insane, I'll wear them to a party we're supposed to attend tomorrow night. I would smell like cole slaw, but I'd be comfortable.

And for those of you wishing you could bleach your brain after reading this post--I did warn you. The title of the post said Entirely Too Much Information.


Anonymous said...

It seriously worked? Wow. I'll keep that in mind. I know all my friends have warned me and even encouraged me not to breastfeed because it hurts so bad, but hey...I'm willing to try.

Kat said...

Melissa--I even SLEPT in the things. It took a few hours for me to notice that anything was happening, but suddenly I felt normal...a total lack of pain. Cabbage is now my new best friend.

Anonymous said...

I am definitely going to put that on the fridge door! Something worth remembering!