Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Sorry, The Callow Queen

I know I've been lax about updating how the first few days at the new gig have been going. I've just been so unbelievably exhausted at the day's end that I haven't had the energy to hold up my head, much less write anything. I'm inching by on fumes as we speak, so this will be brief. Once I've regained some semblance of a normal energy level, I'll expand a bit.

This place is HUGE. I've gotten lost several times. The people I've met have been very kind, but there have been so dang many of them I'm struggling to match names and faces. And the company has me shadowing people for the next two weeks--every hour has been carefully accounted for, including "Reading Time" and "Research Time," whatever these may be.

My cubicle is smaller (much to my father's embarrassment, it seems I'll never have a proper office), and there are no windows to be found unless I get terribly lost. But the people really are nice, the cafeteria is great, there's a ton of chocolate and junk food always about (farewell waist line unless I can find some self control), and creativity really, truly is nurtured here.

So we'll see. It's all been a lot overwhelming, but I'm hoping I'll start to find my niche soon. And once I get comfortable, I hope to abuse my discounts to no end. =-)

And should I not get to update later this week, for my few blog readers out there, I want to wish you a wonderful holiday season and a 2006 filled with much love and laughter! All my best to you!!


Magazine Man said...

Isn't starting a new job right up there with divorce and death and moving as one of the big stressors in life? I think we can spot you a few days. But at the end there you made it sound like we won't hear from you til next year (gasp). Say it isn't so.

Of course, some people dealt with their new job stress by, um, blogging about it. Just a thought.

Sincerely, hope you are enjoying the new place, even if you do get lost and won't know people's names for the first year. Whenever you get back here, we'll be waiting...

theCallowQueen said...

Thanks, Kat!