Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The big questions belly up again

So that really big company, the one that I'd given up hope on, has called again. I'll be meeting their editorial team on Friday for a second interview. I'm a little conflicted with this whole thing to be sure. It would mean an exit from magazine journalism and entrance into a huuuge, monstrous company that specializes in capturing emotions on cards and such.

So, if this behemoth offers me a job, do I trade relative comfort for the unknown? Forgo the two degrees I've obtained and work on my rhyming? Trade my comfortable group of six colleagues for several thousand? A job that lets me wear jeans for one that has a stricter dress code? A short commute for a longer one? A job with a company no one's heard of for one at a company no one can avoid knowing about? And pay that's somewhat insulting for ???? And should I even bother jumping ship if there's a very good chance I'll be re-evaluating my role in the job force in a year or so? (And on a similar train of thought, could we even afford such a move? And would I go clinically insane staying at home with rug rats?)

I know it's ridiculous to start asking such painful questions before I know whether I need to answer them or not. Maybe the decision will be made for me. At least, if this company isn't interested, the first several worries are moot. The last couple of questions still need to be answered, though. And my brain remains so thoroughly fried, I can't begin to fathom the right answers. I used to take every opportunity regardless of what changes it brought forth, but think I may be getting to the point in life where I need to weigh such possibilites a bit more seriously. Remind me why growing up is such a great deal, again?


theCallowQueen said...

I actually know an editor at that really big company. And I know a designer or two, too. They really love it. Nice perks. Poet laureates come to speak to the employees. And they have amazing discounts at the employee store. I know what the little unknown company pays. I'm guessing the really big company will offer something better. Me, I'm all for better.

Magazine Man said...

Of course, I can't begin to imagine what this really big company is (and to think, imagination is supposed to be one of my hallmarks).

My advice (like you asked): Wait til you have a firm offer in hand before freaking. But methinks on a gut level you're steering yourself towards this opportunity for a reason.

And who says it would be an exit from magazines? You just never know. I thought I exited from magazines a few years back when I left my trade magazine to write copy for encyclopedias. For five years. It was as bad as it sounds. Except it wasn't. I got the biggest freelance magazine assignments of my life during that time. And the contacts I made there led directly to writing 3 books of my own. And when I went back to magazines, I lost nothing. In fact, I gained a helluva lot. Would not be where I am without that experience. And I really like where I am now.

You just never know when a detour will take you exactly where you want to go.

Good luck. Keep us posted.

Kat said...

MM -- You're absolutely right. Cart before the horse on this one all the way. It is, alas, a family trait to forge ahead when forging may not be necessary.

I'll keep everyone updated. Either success or humiliation could be headed my way!