Monday, November 14, 2005


I'm not proud. I'll admit it. When the Banker drove away with Willow Monday morning to return her to the vet's office, I stood at the door and cried. The Banker called to let me know that my sad figure at the screen door was breaking his heart. That's okay, because mine was hurting, too. And still is, to be honest.

A call from the really big company on Monday morn, but I missed it. So the waiting game continues.

I had an eye doctor's appointment yesterday where they dilated my eyes. Today they're still dilated! It's incredibly annoying. Little-known fact: For my 18th birthday, I received Lasik eye surgery. Before it was FDA-approved. I was the youngest patient in the tri-state area. And now 9 years later, I need a touch-up. Road signs have become hazy and the tv screen not-so-clear from across the room. Sigh. Looks like it's time for surgery again.

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