Thursday, November 03, 2005

Halloween pics

Yes, I actually wore this to work. No shame have I! But I wasn't alone. Here's the editorial team...

And it could be worse. I could have dressed my animals and brought them into the office, too. Like this...


Shel said...

That king costume is way scary. Where did you get it?

Kat said...

The costume was thanks to Sister 1, who got the mask from the internet and the rest of the costume from a Halloween shop. It was stupid expensive, but worth it for the reactions we both received while wearing the thing. I wore it in the car with some friends through the McDonalds drive-thru. It REALLY freaked people out!

Anonymous said...

If you are going to post cat photos, you should post one of me. I am a scary Halloween cat even without a costume. Muwahahahahaha.

Ooops. Gotta go! I am not supposed to be on the computer desk!

theCallowQueen said...

Oh, my, too funny. And where'd that big red couch come from? That's crazy. Oh, do I see the new logo for the mag?

And you're costume was really scary, Kat. I find the Burger King commercials scary. I love that you went to McDonalds wearing it.

I'm seeing a potential photo series here: You wearing the costume at all the non-Burger King fast food chains.