Friday, October 21, 2005

A Wee Bit Better

Tree company arrived. Hurrah! While they seemed to take a lot off the trees, it'd been over 30 years since anyone had touched those lofty limbs, so I'm sure it had to be done. And all the better, fewer leaves to rake in the coming weeks.

And I used the morning to complete my freelance work. One article sent to the editor, another out for accuracy checks. Hopefully I should have that monkey off my back by Monday or Tuesday at the latest.

Now I must get the new car registered, force myself to read a book for book club, finish a story for myself I've put off for far too long, purchase a wedding gift, deliver cookies to a friend recently out of the hospital, and try to get some Christmas shopping accomplished. I'm starting to feel a little better about the prospects of getting things off my to-do list for this week. Okay, no delusions of grandeur. I won't get it all completed, but if I could cross off half this stuff, it'll have been a weekend well spent. Where's the relaxation you ask? I don't know. Maybe I'll put finding it on my list...

1 comment:

theCallowQueen said...

Force yourself to read a book for book club? Force. Ouch, Kat, ouch. ;)